Video: Russian and Chinese Bombers Intercepted by American and Canadian Fighter Jets

Tu-95MS. Fotos e vídeo: Reprodução Telegram Fotos e vídeo: Reprodução Telegram

An air group consisting of strategic missile carriers Tu-95MS from the Russian Aerospace Forces and strategic bombers Hun-6K from the PLA Air Force conducted aerial patrols over the waters of the Chukchi, Bering, and North Pacific Oceans, bordering Canada and the USA.

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It was the first time that Russian and Chinese strategic bombers had entered the US Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone together.

American F-16 and F-35 fighter jets, along with Canadian CF-18 jets, intercepted the bomber group.

During the flight, the Russian and Chinese crews worked on interaction issues at all stages of the aerial patrol in the new joint operations area. The fighter jet air cover was provided by Su-30SM and Su-35S aircraft from the Russian Aerospace Forces.

Hun-6K. Fotos e vídeo: Reprodução Telegram Fotos e vídeo: Reprodução Telegram

The duration of the joint flight of Russian and Chinese aircraft was over five hours. At certain stages of the route, the air group was accompanied by fighter jets from foreign countries.

During the execution of their missions, the aircraft of both countries operated strictly in accordance with the provisions of international law, without violating the airspace of foreign states. After completing the joint aerial patrol, all the involved aircraft returned to their home airfields.

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The event was held as part of the implementation of the military cooperation plan for 2024, which according to Russia, is not directed against third countries.

Fotos e vídeo: Reprodução Telegram

Source and images: Russian Ministry of Defense – This content was created with the help of AI and reviewed by the editorial team.

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